Teeth whitening is a great way to offset the effects of teeth discoloration in order to maintain a beautiful and healthy smile. If you think that teeth whitening is costly because of its effectivity in just a few sessions, think otherwise. It actually costs less! In just a one-hour session at Refresh Mobile Teeth Whitening, we can whiten your teeth at an average of eight shades lighter.
If you don’t have the time to drop by, we have Take-Home Teeth Whitening Kits and you can whiten your home at your own pace and place. Teeth Whitening currently holds the hype as the go-to whitening solution for its instant and cost-effective results. Make sure to read through the blog for special gift offers await for you!
People get their teeth whitened for a number of reasons. Here are the Top 7 Reasons why we get our teeth whitened:
Dealing with discoloration
Teeth whitening is effective in countering natural teeth discoloration due to plaque, tartar or other oral health concerns. This could also be influenced due to poor dental health care and lifestyle. Discoloration may also be due to the effects of aging or smoking. As you age, your tooth enamel may get worn down, making it easier for tooth discoloration or oral health problems to occur. Smoking stains your teeth due to the nicotine and tar in the tobacco. It can make your teeth yellow in a very short time. Good thing, we also have a whitening solution that shows results in a very short amount of time too.
Prepare for Special Occasions
Teeth whitening is an effective and efficient way to ensure that your smile looks radiant and healthy for an upcoming special occasion. Whether it’s your wedding, anniversary, ball, birthday, or graduatioN, White teeth will help you look your best. Teeth whitening sessions are perfect especially when you need immediate whitening results.
Make an Impression in Job Interviews
A radiant smile will have a huge impression on your next job interview. Smiling can show your sincerity and help set your character. Having a bright and healthy smile can help improve self-esteem. At the same time, it boosts your energy and enthusiasm too.
Boost Self-Confidence
Your smile plays an important part in your confidence especially when you smile often. Smiling can enrapture not only the eye but the heart of the one you’re talking too. Teeth whitening can help boost your self-confidence and give your charm level a boost as well.
Poor Diet Choices
If you have a diet lifestyle that involves a lot of coffee, tea, sodas, or wine, for example, your teeth may accumulate stain and discoloration over the years. Teeth whitening can counter stains from certain foods and help keep your smile bright and teeth pearly again.
Effectivity and Convenience
Teeth whitening can help target the tooth discoloration causes and help you have a whiter, healthier smile. However, the most important reason why people opt for teeth whitening because of its effective whitening results in just one session and the convenience it offers.
Why should you Book a Session Today?
Speaking of convenience, we have a new booking system set up just to improve your teeth whitening experience. As a complimentary gift, we will be giving out coupon codes just for you!
Once you Visit Our Website, go to Book Online, and Schedule your Appointment. Before you click Book, enter your desired Coupon Code.
Single Custom Session
Coupon Code Sale Price
Smilespa11 $89
Smilespa21 $79
Couple Session
Coupon Code Sale Price
Smilespa30 $120
Smilespa50 $100